Erick Romero

Erick Romero

Senior Process Development Engineer

Australian National Fabrication Facility, Queensland Node


Erick Romero received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Queensland in Australia. As a postdoctoral fellow his research focuses on the fundamental origins of nanomechanical dissipation. His current research ranges from high precision sensors, nanomechanical computing, and nanomechanical hybrid systems. His research has been supported by CONACYT, the Australian Research Council, Lockheed Martin and the Australian Defence Science and Technology Group. He currently works at the Australian National Fabrication Facility supporting and developing nanofabrication processes. Contact him below if you would like to get in touch about nanofabrication.

  • Phononics
  • Nanofabrication
  • Cycling
  • Cooking
  • PhD in Physics, 2018

    The University of Queensland

  • MSc in Optical Physics, 2013

    Centro de Investigación Cientifica y de Educatión Superior de Ensenada

  • BSc in Physics, 2011

    Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Australian National Fabrication Facility Queensland
Senior Principal Scientist
Jul 2021 – Present Brisbane

Responsibilities include:

  • Develop a comprehensive range of nano-and micro-manufacturing processes for on-chip devices.
  • Routinely trained clients on the use of sophisticated instruments and procedures, while maintaining occupational health and safety (OHS).
  • Procured, installed, managed and serviced advanced scientific equipment for precision engineering under strict facility requirements.
  • Managed procurement of high-precision instruments with value of near a million dollars.
  • Establish regular communication with manufacturers, clients and distributors of instruments and consumables.
Chief Investigator
The University of Queensland
Nov 2019 – Dec 2020 Brisbane
Scalable nanomechanical information processing. Australian Research Council Linkage Project LP160101616 in partnership with Lockheed Martin

Responsibilities included:

  • Developed high-sensitivity acoustic, inertial and magnetic sensors on silicon-on-insulator (SOI)
  • Designed, modelled and fabricated multi-step nano-electromechanical (NEMS) devices
  • Report writing for partners such as the Defence Science and Technology Group of the Australian Department of Defence
  • Supervision of PhD students and nanofabrication training

Recent Publications

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(2021). Nanomechanical Dissipation and Strain Engineering. In AFM.


(2021). Tunneling of Transverse Acoustic Waves on a Silicon Chip. In Phys Rev Applied.


(2020). Engineering the Dissipation of Crystalline Micromechanical Resonators. In Phys Rev Applied.


(2019). Propagation and Imaging of Mechanical Waves in a Highly Stressed Single-Mode Acoustic Waveguide. In Phys Rev Applied.



  • Level 2, Australian Institute for Biotechnology and Nanotechnology, Brisbane, Queensland 4072
  • Monday 9:00 to 5:00 AEST
  • DM Me